How we (herbalists) use herbs

A peep inside the herbal formula
A tincture is…
… a method of extraction using a mix of alcohol and water. Tinctures are being absorbed very efficiently by the body, easy to store and take with you wherever you go.
Note: adjusted doses of tinctures are being administered safely to children starting from age 3 onwards.
An infusion is…
… a simple, water-based preparation that extracts medicinal properties of herbs. (dried or fresh) It can be used as: tea, skin wash, eyebath, compress, douche or added to a bath. (sitz bath)
Powders are…
… dried herbs which are ground to a powder that can be mixed with water or added to food. Taking powders has the advantage of ingesting the whole plant and not an extract of it as in infusions. So, it is considered more effective, however it has a relatively short shelf life.
Herbal infused oil is…
… a herb(s) steeped in an organic and high quality carrier oil (extra virgin olive oil) for a certain period of time. Within that time the oil receives all the beneficial properties from the herbs.
I will prescribe a formula mix that suits your individual needs using the best quality ingredients available, that are produced by reputable manufacturers and subject to proper quality controls.